> Family Lines > Elizabeth

Elizabeth Ann Rope

Elizabeth Ann Rope was born on 24 March 1808.

Elizabeth Ann had 3 relationships:

Firstly: she bore a child to William Jones. The child was brought up as James ROPE and lived with his grandparents Anthony and Elizabeth when his mother married.

Secondly: she married Thomas Player. Thomas was a convict who arrived on the Baring in 1815. He came on the same ship as John Bradley, who married Elizabeth Ann's sister Susannah.
She had several children attributed to Thomas.

Thirdly: her son John Player's baptism shows a man named Edward Sullivan as his father

Elizabeth Ann died on 15 August 1889 at Mudgee.

You can contact the family Line Co-ordinator for Elizabeth Ann Rope & William Jones by clicking the following email address:
Carlyn Roberts
Email: carlyn_shane@hotmail.com

Or write to: John & Lorraine Caldwell
25 Morrison Drive
Lurneah. NSW 2170

You can contact the family Line Co-ordinator for Elizabeth Ann Rope & Thomas Player by writing to:
Eileen Reid
2 Buckett Place
Kurrajong NSW 2758

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